AnxietyBlogChronic IllnessCorporateEnduranceImmune SystemMental HealthNutritionPerformance 26/12/2022 BURNOUT – What is it and How to Avoid it. Business executives are under huge amounts of pressure and burnout is reportedly seen in anywhere… Katherine Love0
BlogChronic IllnessImmune SystemNeurotransmittersNutrition 10/09/2021 Histamine Intolerance and what you can do about it. Histamine intolerance is an over-looked issue that has many health ramifications. Signs and symptoms… Katherine Love0
AnxietyAthleteBlogChronic IllnessEating DisordersEmotionMental HealthNeurotransmitters 12/03/2021 Reducing Anxiety and Behaviour Change using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique is an evidence based tool, scientifically shown to help lower… Katherine Love0
BlogChronic IllnessCOVID-19Functional MedicineImmune SystemNutrition 04/03/2021 Long-Covid and Nutritional Support 'Long-haul Covid' or 'Chronic-covid' is now a well-recognised condition with an array of symptoms ranging from:… Katherine Love0
BlogChronic IllnessEating DisordersNutritionWeightweight loss 12/01/2021 5 Common Reasons for an Inability to Lose Weight There are a number of very common reasons why both men and women are unable… Katherine Love0
AnxietyBlogChronic IllnessEmotionFunctional MedicineImmune SystemMental HealthNeurotransmittersNutrition 17/09/2020 Mould Toxicity – a Hidden Cause of Anxiety and Chronic Illness Mould toxicity, sometimes referred to as 'sick building syndrome', is a commonly unrecognised cause of… Katherine Love1