BlogEmotionNutritionUncategorizedWeightweight gainweight loss 24/11/2024 Comfort Foods that Won’t Bust the Waistline Do you always start the New Year trying to lose weight, stuck in a yo-yo… Katherine Love0
BlogEmotionHormonesMental HealthPerformanceUncategorized 11/04/2024 Understanding Your Nervous System and the Link with Health More and more people are struggling to balance life, daily activities and health. Understanding your… Katherine Love0
AnxietyAthleteBlogChronic IllnessEating DisordersEmotionMental HealthNeurotransmitters 12/03/2021 Reducing Anxiety and Behaviour Change using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique is an evidence based tool, scientifically shown to help lower… Katherine Love0
AnxietyBlogEating DisordersEmotionMental HealthWeightweight gainweight loss 29/12/2020 Eating Disorders – How to Recognise the Signs and What to Do. Eating Disorders (ED's) - how to recognise the signs and what to do. Since… Katherine Love0
AnxietyBlogChronic IllnessEmotionFunctional MedicineImmune SystemMental HealthNeurotransmittersNutrition 17/09/2020 Mould Toxicity – a Hidden Cause of Anxiety and Chronic Illness Mould toxicity, sometimes referred to as 'sick building syndrome', is a commonly unrecognised cause of… Katherine Love1
BlogEmotionFunctional MedicineHormonesImmune SystemMental HealthNeurotransmittersNutrition 17/05/2020 The Mind-Body Connection – Adapt to Thrive. It is estimated that over 264 million people globally suffer from depression and it is a… Katherine Love0
BlogEmotionNutritionweight loss 26/12/2019 Top 10 Tips to a Sustainable Approach to Healthy Eating in 2020 Many of us start 2020 with a list of New Year's resolutions that fall by… Katherine Love0
AthleteBlogEmotionFunctional MedicineNutritionweight loss 19/06/2019 Intelligent Weight Loss It is well known that yo-yo dieting typically does not result in sustainable weight loss,… Katherine Love0
BlogEmotion 18/12/2018 Are you suffering from festive FOMO? What is FOMO you may be wondering – it sounds quite serious doesn’t it? It… Katherine Love0